Friday, February 5, 2010

What fresh new hell is this?!?

It never fails, no matter the season, I am always on projects at the wrong place in time. Project in Dallas, Texas? In July... Project in New York? Upstate, in January? WTF? Today I was informed that my next gig will be in Chicago... In February... At least it's Chicago, and downtown Chicago. This I don't mind.

My current project is the coldest, most miserable, god-forsaken place I have had the fucking misery of being posted. It's in upstate New York. In a town called Schenectady. God Bless you if you live in this climate, I do not know how you could do it. Granted I was born in Syracuse and spent my formative years there until the age of 12 when my family moved to North Carolina. I was a child, snow is fun for a child, I remember playing in the snow. Now as an adult, I think it fucking sucks.

Now being a seasoned consultant I have the many accoutrements required for harsh weather. Gloves, Cashmere scarf, ear muffs, and assorted jackets I never wear at home since I live in the land of milk and honey.

This week was by far the harshest cold I have dealt with to date. Twice I lost all feeling in my ears and hands just walking a few blocks to go to dinner. My co-hort and I, perhaps plied with an outter shell of alcohol, thought it would be easy just to walk a few blocks, until we got past the sheltering of buildings we were both hit with a blast of the coldest air I have ever encountered, I felt like we were being flash frozen.

Needless to say, I was not pleased. I have one more week on this project and I am done and on to the next one. With all my heart and soul I will not miss that place.

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